
"Don't remove the kinks from your hair... Remove them from your brain." ~Marcus M. Garvey

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanksgiving Treat!

          Are you making a pumpkin pie this Thanksgiving? If so, be sure to get an extra canned pumpkin to try out this "Pumpkin Hair Mask" recipe, it's a great way to moisturize your hair while that pie is baking!

 **NOTE** Pumpkin is rich in:
  • Vitamin A - Excellent for the scalp.
  • Vitamin C - Helps for overall, hair health & growth.
  • Potassium - Can promote re-growth of hair.

  • 1 cup of Canned Pumpkin
  • 1 cup of plain Yogurt
  • 2 tablespoon of Honey
  • 4 tablespoon of raw Coconut Oil

What To Do:
  • Add the 1 cup of Canned Pumpkin in a medium size bowl. 
  • Then add the 1 cup of Yogurt, 2 tablespoon of Honey & 4 tablespoon of Coconut Oil in the bowl.
  • Mix the ingredients well, you don't want pumpkin chunks in your hair.
  • Apply the mixture to your hair.
  • Cover your hair with a shower cap and let the hair mask sit in your hair for 15mins.
  • Rinse well and style.

Enjoy and have a Happy Thanksgiving, Natirèl Beauties!

**Embrace your Natirèl Beauty**


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